Date & Relate to Others With Self-Worth

Learn to respect, protect and champion yourself in relationships

"This is my dance space and this is your dance space. I don't go into yours. You don't go into mine" 

 Johnny to Baby in the movie Dirty Dancing

How do we take care of ourselves in relationships with other people? 

How do we stand our ground, respect ourselves, value ourselves, say 'Yes' when we mean 'Yes' and 'No' when we mean 'No' and call out behaviour that doesn't sit right with us? 

How do we let down our walls so that we can let another person come close to us, whilst also creating a healthy framework for ourselves and others that protects our precious hearts?

It's a challenge, right?

The art of setting boundaries is especially challenging if nobody modelled healthy boundaries for us when we were growing up.

It's even more challenging if we have shaky self-esteem, low self-worth, a poor sense of self, childhood wounds, a belief that we don't deserve to be treated well and/or a sense that we can't ask for what we want and need. 

But if we go dating or try to form and maintain a relationship with porous boundaries or no boundaries at all, we may get hurt or burnt, which may put us off trying to date or form a relationship again. 

This is a vicious cycle that keeps us stuck.

On the other hand, if we go dating with walls instead of boundaries, we'll never let anyone get close to us so we'll never experience the joys of true emotional intimacy.

Healthy boundaries are the bedrock of healthy relationships and this workshop bundle will help you to set them and to maintain them.

Improve all your relationships with healthy boundaries

This bundle of two workshops (recorded live with different sets of participants) will support you to form and maintain healthy relationships with others - be they romantic partners, friends, family members, colleagues, bosses and so forth. 

If you are looking for love, these workshops will support you to date and relate with healthy self-esteem. 

On these workshops, we explore the following:

* How healthy boundaries with others begin with the boundaries we set for ourselves

* The deep reasons why some of us struggle to set and hold healthy boundaries with ourselves and others

* The difference between boundaries and walls when it comes to finding and keeping love

* The consequences of overstepping our boundaries or allowing others to trample on them

* How to manage the shame that often hits when we stand up for ourselves

Please note that the contents of these two workshops are similar although each one was recorded with a different group of participants so the content is slightly different and new questions arise.


On these workshops, you will have access to my unique brand of insightful, psychological education, rooted in a deep understanding of trauma, addictive relationship patterns and codependency. 

We'll be focusing primarily on boundaries for dating and romantic relationships but the information will be relevant to other relationships too. 

Key Takeaways

This workshop bundle will give you:

  • A plan of action to support you to respect and value yourself by setting and maintaining healthy boundaries around substances and behaviours such as food, alcohol, work, screens, exercise and so forth. This increased self-worth will then be reflected in your romantic life and your other relationships.

  • A framework to support you to date in a healthy, grounded and rooted way that protects your precious heart, empowers you to differentiate between available people and unavailable people and allows healthy people to get close to you.

  • Ways to stay accountable with your boundaries so that they work for you, helping you to maintain a loving relationship with yourself and to transform your experience of dating and relating.

  • Greater clarity, a greater understanding of your relationship dynamics, more ease when relating to others and a sense of being in the driving seat in your relationships rather than feeling like a victim or a bystander.

About This Workshop

These two workshops were recorded live on Zoom with a small group of women. The workshops include exercise prompts and invitations to reflect on or journal about your own experiences, which you can do in your own time by pausing the recording. 

You'll also hear me reading our participants' contributions, shared via the chat during the live event. Hearing others' experiences and struggles will help you to feel less alone and will give you more clarity about your own patterns of behaviour.

If you'd like more support to work through your individual patterns of behaviour in relationships, to find your voice and to show up authentically, please book a 1:1 coaching session or a package of 3 sessions.

You can also book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if my coaching is right for you here.

About Your Workshop Host

Katherine Baldwin

I am a trauma-informed relationships coach, midlife mentor, motivational speaker and author, supporting people all over the world to transform their relationships with themselves, understand their subconscious triggers, find and form a healthy and loving partnership with another and improve all their relationships. 

I am the author of How to Fall in Love - A 10-Step Journey to the Heart and a regular contributor to the media on the topic of love, dating and relationships. 

Importantly, I am the architect of my own transformational journey. 

Hear me talk about my journey of healing in the extract from the workshop video below.

In the past 10 years, I have transformed my career, moved from London to the Dorset coast, authored my first book, formed a healthy and loving relationship, married a wonderful man and built a coaching business that supports people in the UK and across the world to fulfil their heart's desires in life, love and work.

I have also healed from an eating disorder, overcome dysfunctional relationship patterns and recovered from burnout and breakdown during my first career as an international journalist for the news agency, Reuters. 

I coach 1:1 on Zoom and host in person and online workshops, courses and retreats.

You can find out more about me on my website:


What Workshop Participants & Coaching Clients Say

Feedback from my coaching clients:

"Very quickly, you opened my mind to what has actually been going on in my relationships my whole life" Pip, coaching client, now in a relationship

"You were a very special part of my journey in helping me not to run away in fear from this relationship” – Anne, coaching client, now married

“I’m over the moon. My boyfriend proposed this morning. Thank you, Katherine, for helping me to make this happen” – G.A., coaching client, now married

“I think my coaching with Katherine is one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made and I highly recommend her services" Kathryn, coaching client

“I learned so much. You pointed out things to me that I hadn’t figured out in all my years of therapy” – K.S., coaching client

“This experience of working with you has been really profound. You’re very, very good at what you do. We’ve got to the bottom of stuff that I’ve never been able to understand before” – 
Rachel, coaching client