Are You Ready to Show Up Authentically?

Find relationship freedom with this insightful workshop

Are you a people-pleaser or a doormat?

Do you bend over backwards to please others while neglecting your own needs and wants?

Do you struggle to say 'No', to set healthy boundaries or to express your true feelings or opinions in relationships.

Are you ready to stand tall, show up authentically and get your needs met in all your relationships, romantic and otherwise?

If the answer is 'Yes', this workshop is for you.

This 75-minute workshop, recorded live, will give you the awareness and tools you need to challenge people-pleasing and codependent behaviours and to form healthy, inter-dependent relationships based on mutual respect.

"Katherine's codependency workshop was brilliant - an eye-opener in terms of how I relate to myself and relate to others" - Nasra, workshop participant

This workshop is especially relevant to romantic relationships but it applies to all relationships in which you struggle to show up as yourself, from friendships to family relationships to work relationships.

Invest in the workshop as a standalone resource or scroll down to add a 1:1 coaching session with Katherine to support you to implement your new relationship behaviours. You can also add a 1:1 session at a later date by emailing Katherine on [email protected] 

After Watching This Workshop, You Will Have:

  • Awareness

    A deep understanding of how people-pleasing and codependent behaviours sabotage your relationships.

  • Strategy

    A 3-step strategy to transform your unhealthy relationship patterns into healthy ones.

  • Communications Guide

    A communications guide that will support you to walk through your fear of rejection, abandonment or others' anger and express your needs and wants as a healthy adult rather than a wounded child.

  • Tools

    Stress-management tools to support you to deal with the inevitable afterburn that arises when you start to show up as your true self and set boundaries with others..

  • Action Plan

    A Self-Worth Action Plan (SWAP) to build you up so that you believe in yourself, your worth and your value and relate to others as an equal.

  • Roadmap

    A roadmap to guide you towards inter-dependent relationships that are healthy and fulfilling.

  • Renewed Confidence

    A sense of empowerment and a new feeling of confidence.

Key Benefits From This Workshop

This workshop will support you to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of people-pleasing and codependency and how they show up in your relationships, potentially sabotaging your chances of happiness

  • Learn tools to speak your truth, express your needs and wants and show up authentically

  • Identify the essential steps required to increase your self-worth and confidence so that you show up as an equal in relationships

  • Feel inspired and empowered to let go of unhealthy relationships and build the relationships you desire and deserve

  • Gain the courage to stop behaving like a doormat or contorting yourself like a pretzel to please others - learn to please yourself without shame

  • Feel less alone with your relationship struggles - hear from women like you who are on a healing journey

About Your Guide

Meet Katherine Baldwin

I am a trauma-informed relationships coach, midlife mentor, motivational speaker and author, supporting people all over the world to transform their relationships with themselves, understand their subconscious triggers, find and form a healthy and loving partnership with another and improve all their relationships. 

I am the author of How to Fall in Love - A 10-Step Journey to the Heart and a regular contributor to the media on the topic of love, dating and relationships. 

Importantly, I am the architect of my own transformational journey. I have been on my own healing journey from codependency and people-pleasing behaviours for more than two decades, learning to speak my truth without shame and fear, stand up for myself and show up authentically.

The results have been incredible. 

In the past 20 years, I have healed from an eating disorder, overcome dysfunctional relationship behaviours to find healthy love and marry a wonderful man, transformed my career, moved from London to the Dorset coast, authored my first book and built a coaching business that supports people all over the world to fulfil their heart's desires in life, love and work.

Hear me talk about my journey of healing in the video below.

I coach 1:1 on Zoom and host in person and online workshops, courses and retreats.

You can find out more about me on my website:


What My Coaching Clients Say

Feedback from coaching clients and previous course and workshop participants:

"You were a very special part of my journey in helping me not to run away in fear from this relationship” – Anne, coaching client, now married

“I’m over the moon. My boyfriend proposed this morning. Thank you, Katherine, for helping me to make this happen” – G.A., coaching client, now married

“I think my coaching with Katherine is one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made and I highly recommend her services" – Kathryn, coaching client

“I learned so much. You pointed out things to me that I hadn’t figured out in all my years of therapy” – K.S., coaching client

“This experience of working with you has been really profound. You’re very, very good at what you do. We’ve got to the bottom of stuff that I’ve never been able to understand before” – 
Rachel, coaching client

"In my coaching with Katherine, I felt seen, held, supported and validated. Katherine gently uncovers your innermost, core wounds and brings light to your present experience through the lens of childhood attachments. Working with Katherine has helped me tremendously and has been pivotal for my growth. I can't recommend Katherine's coaching enough' - Nasra

“I dated with far greater awareness and am now in the early months of a new relationship. It was like running a race having had a coach show me how to run effectively” – Fiona engaged

“Katherine is an intelligent, insightful coach. I’ve been on the self-development journey for a while but Katherine helped me to have insights I’ve never had before” – Julie

“Very quickly you opened my mind to what has been going on with my relationships my whole life. It was the first time I’ve been able to date and have this really grounded awareness. It definitely felt like the first time I’ve dated and not felt insane” - Pip

“I’ve been on such a journey over the couple of years I’ve been working with you, through the two courses as well as doing 1:1 coaching with you. It has been truly transformational for me as an individual” – Joyce

Enroll Now

Yes, I want to transform my relationships!

Add 1:1 Coaching

Watch the workshop or add a 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with Katherine to support you to implement new relationship behaviours. (Once you've booked, I will be in touch by email to arrange our session.)