Are You Ready to Spring into Dating?

Are you looking for a healthy and loving relationship? Are you ready to date with courage, clarity and confidence? Are you committed to facing your fears, changing your patterns and finding the partnership you deserve? Would you like to feel empowered to spring into dating with enthusiasm and hope?

If the answer is yes, this 75-minute workshop is for you.

Spring is the perfect time to open yourself up to dating. The nights are lighter, the flowers are blooming and we have more energy to socialise.

But maybe you've been burnt by dating before or you've grown disillusioned with the process after some unsatisfactory experiences, or perhaps after no experiences at all. Or maybe you're scared to start or aren't sure how.

I know from experience that dating can feel daunting and that online dating can be demoralising. I also know that it can be a joyful, fruitful and fun experience with huge opportunities for healing, growth and learning.

The keys to successful dating are an awareness of your fears and patterns, a growth mindset, healthy self-esteem, a healthy dose of hope and plenty of courage.

This workshop is designed to equip you with all of the above. 

So whether you need support to navigate the early stages of a relationship, to date more effectively, to return to dating after a break or even to date properly for the first time, this workshop is for you.

This workshop was recorded live on May 2nd, 2023, with a small group of women. 

What my coaching clients say:

“You were a very special part of my journey in helping me not to run away in fear from this relationship” – Anne, coaching client, now married

“I’m over the moon. My boyfriend proposed this morning. Thank you, Katherine, for helping me to make this happen” – G.A., coaching client, now married

“I think my coaching with Katherine is one of the best investments in myself that I have ever made and I highly recommend her services" – Kathryn, coaching client

“I learned so much. You pointed out things to me that I hadn’t figured out in all my years of therapy” – K.S., coaching client

How This Workshop Will Help

This Workshop Will Support You To:

  • Develop a growth mindset in relation to dating so that you date with more hope, optimism, enthusiasm and inner peace

  • Show up as your authentic self on dates and in relationships, knowing you are enough and that this is the most efficient and effective way to find healthy love

  • Understand and face your fears about dating and falling in love so that you can date as a healthy adult, not a wounded child

  • Develop a clearer idea of your own values and the values you are looking for in another and get clear on your boundaries for dating

  • Understand your self-sabotaging patterns so that you can challenge them and date differently, with different results

About Your Workshop Host

Katherine Baldwin

I am a transformational coach, motivational speaker, inspirational writer and author of 'How to Fall in Love - A 10-Step Journey to the Heart'. 

Importantly, I am the architect of my own transformational journey. 

In the past 10 years, I have transformed my career, moved from London to the Dorset coast, authored my first book, formed a healthy and loving relationship, married a wonderful man and built a coaching business that supports people in the UK and across the world to fulfil their heart's desires in life, love and work.

I have also healed from an eating disorder, overcome dysfunctional relationship patterns and recovered from burnout and breakdown during my first career as an international journalist for the news agency, Reuters. 

I coach 1:1 on Zoom and host in person and online workshops, courses and retreats.

You can find out more about me on my website: